43. "Beauty Matters and You Want It" w/ Adri Estrada @ MOMENTUM’21 CMN Conference

Episode Description

Nick invites the "Queen of the Conferenc" and metal working artist, Adri Estrada to his show. A liturgical artist, Adri celebrates the beauty of the gospel and nature as images of God in all of her pieces. Come learn about the fascinating ancient tradition of metalic art as well as how Adri accepted God's call on her to pursue her artwork later in her life.

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Nick De La Torre

Nick is the founder of AWAKEN Catholic and has served around the country as a musician and speaker for Dynamic Catholic, Renewal Ministries, Extraordinary Mission and Life Teen retreats, conferences, and events.


44. Intellect, Faith, and Money


42. "Relationship Status Does Not Define You" w/ Annie Harton @ MOMENTUM’21 CMN Conference